Get Involved
There are several ways you can help!
Become a Member
Send us your sightings!
Promote us on Facebook
Other ways to help
Become a Member
There is a lot you can do, but even if you don’t have the time to be actively involved, please become a member and show you care. Being a member supports us when applying for grants to buy rescue equipment or plant trees. By being a member you can help express your concerns about our koala population.
Need to renew your membership?
Membership is due for renewal 12 months after you join, but we will send an email to remind you!
Send us your Sightings
As you are walking through the bush, our local parklands, or maybe even in your own backyard, you might come across a koala. We would love to hear of this is if you do!
Sightings help us to form our Database, which in turns helps us with Advocacy and also in disease management.
Promote us on Facebook
If you see a koala spotted in the local area, please tag us or add our phone number to the post so that the person knows that we would like to hear about the koala.
Other ways to help
People have all sorts of skills that are useful in the rescue and care for koalas and other wildlife. We are forever grateful to the people who can sew pouches and bedding for our rescue cages, help with handing out brochures, help out at stalls at events, help out when we do a presentation, help with fundraising, or just promote our rescue hotline phone number 0401 080 333 in general.